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Welcome to Guangdong Bangning New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.

Bonny: Beautiful and beautiful; Bonning: the people are only the country, Bengu Bonning's "Song of the Five Sons of Shangshu" to build a beautiful China, for the benefit of the people, for the worry of the country!

You can contact us at any time. It is our responsibility and quality to respond and deal with your needs quickly. Once cooperation, you are also our lifelong customer! We not only exceed the expectations of our customers, but also devote ourselves to promoting the success of our customers. In the future, Bonning will, as always, serve customers wholeheartedly and develop with customers together!


guangdong bonny new materials teohnology co, lid


Add: Sixth Floor, 2 Blocks, Chuangyue Times, 61 Xia Nan Road, Guicheng Street, Nanhai District, Foshan City




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