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Suggestionsstandardizing bus lanesSouth China Sea

Release time:2019-01-22 Browse times:0

Recently, the citizens are delighted to find that Guicheng in Nanhai City has laid many bus lanes, including Nanhai Avenue, Foping Road (connecting Nangang Road), Guilan Road, Nangui Road, Haiwu Road, Haisan Road and Mingde Road. These six bus lanes enclose the most central part of Guicheng and extend around it. Foping Road (connecting Nangang Road) is about 7 kilometers, which is one of the longest single bus lanes in Zen-Gui area.

According to the traffic department of Nanhai District, the setting of bus lanes in Nanhai District takes into account the following principles: firstly, the size of passenger flow in the section, i.e. the section with large passenger flow; secondly, the speed of the bus, when the average speed of the bus is lower than the average speed of the city's motor vehicles, the implementation of bus priority measures; thirdly, the traffic volume of the bus, one-way in peak hours. For roads with more than 150 buses, bus lanes should be set up.

The main road designated as bus lane will set the restricted driving time for social vehicles to 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning and 17:00 to 19:00 in the evening. During unrestricted periods, social vehicles can travel in bus lanes. At the same time, in order to ensure the use of bus lanes during the restricted period, traffic monitoring facilities will be set up along the bus lanes (the proposed use of video equipment), and traffic police departments will impose traffic violations on social vehicles entering the bus lanes during the restricted period.

Vigorously developing public transport and giving priority to public transport is one of the main ways to solve traffic congestion in big cities. The "bus lane" and "intelligent bus system" have been constructed in Nanhai District to guarantee the right of road for public transport vehicles, greatly improving their traffic efficiency, making more and more citizens choose to travel by bus.

Significant achievements have been made, but there are still some areas that need to be improved. The existing problems and solutions are as follows:

1. The setting of bus lane labeling is not obvious. There is no functional distinction of lanes using striking warning materials. It is simply marked with yellow lines on the side of lanes and white words "bus lane" on the vicinity of bus harbour. Because of the simple laying method mentioned above, the bus lane is not distinguished from other ordinary lanes completely and effectively. In addition, the regulations of prohibiting bus lanes only in the morning and evening rush hours have been formulated. As a result, the social vehicles hardly realize the existence of bus lanes. During the prohibition period, frequent crossings occur, and violations are common. Therefore, it can not fully and effectively realize the purpose of public transport priority and guarantee the right of public transport.

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