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What glue is good for pervious adhesives?

Release time:2019-01-22 Browse times:0

Pervious adhesives are porous decorative pervious floors which are made of transparent resin adhesives and decorative aggregates such as coloured stones. The quality of binder determines the service life and pavement effect, generally there are three categories: epoxy resin, polyurethane and acrylic acid.

Epoxy resin has high bonding strength, but poor ultraviolet resistance, easy yellowing and aging, so it can not be used in outdoor places generally. Polyurethane is divided into many kinds. Generally, MDI products are yellowing severely and are not recommended for outdoor use. HDI or IPDI polyurethane products have good weather resistance, suitable elasticity and adhesion to various substrates, such as [Baigude] PU-202 crystal glue, which can be used for outdoor glue. Adhesive stone, but expensive; general acrylic resin bonding force can not be used for point bonding adhesives, but modified carboxyl and hydroxyl reactive acrylic acid can be recommended, such as [leaching] LG-1075, which not only has good permanent transparency, but also has the same bonding force as epoxy resin, and the price is moderate, so it is also widely used in the adhesives market in China.

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