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具有高耐磨度,色彩鮮艷(可媲美染色骨料,顏色絕非一般燒制彩砂可比),色差少,通體一色,永不褪色(徹底杜絕了染色骨料褪色 并會散發(fā)異味等非環(huán)保的致命缺點),有極強(qiáng)自潔及不沾塵的特點。

彩色路面防滑骨料            Colourful Aggregate For Antiskid

       彩色路面防滑骨料,為我公司自行研制及生產(chǎn)的新型路面防滑及墻體裝飾材料,具有高耐磨度,色彩鮮艷(可媲美染色骨料,顏色絕非一般燒制彩砂可比),色差少,通體一色,永不褪色(徹底杜絕了染色骨料褪色 并會散發(fā)異味等非環(huán)保的致命缺點),有極強(qiáng)自潔及不沾塵的特點。采用回收廢料經(jīng)全新技術(shù)制成,也可循環(huán)回收再造,無任何毒性及有害物質(zhì),節(jié)能環(huán)保,使用安全。

       Antiskid colour surfacing is a kind of most effective and economical method to make the road traffic safety, whereas Polyvechs’ Dyed-through colored aggregates serial products embedded on the surface of road, that can assure the road safety by increasing the skid resistance value.

       With the annual production capacity of 50000 tons, Polyvechs is the largest supplier of Dyed-Through Colored aggregates in China. After perpetual efforts, technologies innovation and accumulative experiences in years,our products had become the top of the world both quality and quantity, had been sold to more than 10 countries and regions the world.

       Polyvechs’ aggregates is produced with an environment friendly pigment with very high temperature. It is real Dyed-through colored aggregates, lifetime colour retention, solvent free and  compatible to all types of resins used to coat road, floor and wall.


       停機(jī)坪、機(jī)場備用道、輔道 /Airport

       室外墻面(圖案和形象)/Outdoor wall decoration

       大型雕塑表面 /Sculpture Surface

       道路、人行道(分割區(qū)、地面圖案)/Road Surface

       倉庫 /Warehouse

       車間 /Workshop

       運動場館 /Athletic field

       屋頂 /Roof

       家裝(地面、墻壁) /Floor

       公園、廣場、停車場 /Car Park

性能特點 /Characteristic

       防滑性、抗磨性,應(yīng)用于路面時,可起到全方位深度警示防滑作用/ Antiskid

       耐藥性 /Drug resistance

       防食品腐蝕性 /Corrosion resistance

       耐水性 /Water resistance

       抗污染性 /Anti-polluting

       灰塵、酸雨等 /Acid resistance

       耐熱性 /Thermal stability

       熱水管道、蒸氣管道 /Hot water pipeline usage

铜陵市| 隆化县| 曲水县| 周口市| 惠安县| 漯河市| 交口县| 旬邑县| 林口县| 疏勒县| 二连浩特市| 兴宁市| 阳高县| 甘孜| 彭山县| 钟山县| 子长县| 宝丰县| 桃江县| 蒲江县| 错那县| 固安县| 淮滨县| 奉化市| 中卫市| 将乐县| 宝山区| 正宁县| 奇台县| 肃南| 重庆市| 扶沟县| 吉水县| 祁门县| 佛山市| 栖霞市| 荔波县| 高碑店市| 新晃| 汉沽区| 凌源市|